Recruiter Directory - S

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  1. About Us We provide direct access to support, advocacy and advice for victims and survivors of domestic abuse through a range of services. We are proud to offer a full journey of support: assisting women with remaining safe whilst in an abusive relationship, helping them to safely exit the abusive...

  2. We employ more than 30,000 people across a range of public services. Combining our commercial know-how with a deep public service ethos, we advise policy makers, design innovative solutions, integrate systems and deliver front-line services to make a positive difference to customers and...

  3. Stone Street Club is a members only social club in the heart of Maidstone. We offer live entertainment every Saturday as well as other events throughout the week, including quiz nights, race nights, darts and karaoke. Food is available at lunchtimes. We have a four-table snooker room on the first...